Theranica’s Nerivio Migra (NM) is a first-of-its kind device for the acute treatment of migraine.

The product is planned to be launched initially in the US an EU during H2/2018 after receiving the proper clearances from the FDA and CE marks, respectively.


Mobile application serves as an integral,
comprehensive part of the product. It serves as “migraine controlling function”: monitoring, reporting and treatment.






The onboarding screens are the first things that the users see when they launch our application.
We use it to demonstrate the information like:



  1. Explanation how to connect patch to the App
  2. Explanation about the main functions in the main menu
  3. Message to the user that the onboarding sequence can be watched again from the Settings

Main Menu


Symptoms & Treatment

Symptoms screen:

Allows the users to record/adjust their personalized symptoms of their migraine episodes, what are his/her most troublesome symptoms, including the pain level at the start of the migraine.


Treatment screen:

Allows the users:

1. Start, monitor or abort an ongoing treatment
2. Increase or decrease the intensity of the stimulation
3.Before starting a treatment, choose the desired treatment program

Additional Representative screens