Flutter – Design beautiful cross-platform apps

Sooner or later every mobile development company is faced with cross-platform development tools. One of most popular at the moment is Flutter. By using Flutter developer can write the code once and after – just to spread mobile application for all platforms(such and android, iOS etc).
So what is Flutter? Flutter is a free, open-source SDK for creating mobile 2D Android and iOS apps from the same base code, written in the Dart language. Simply put Flutter is a mobile cross-platform development tool
Back in 2015 during a Dart developer summit Flutter was announced by Google as “SKY”
A first stable version of Flutter 1.0 was introduced on 5th of December, 2018
The central idea of Flutter revolves around widgets. So everything in Flutter is actually a widget, or in other words Flutter app is a collection of widgets – the button is a widget, the layout is a widget, everything is a widget.
Dart – a few words about Dart.
Dart is a client-optimised programming language that was developed by Google and was unveiled in 2011 and based on widgets.
The apps built using Dart are native apps whose code compiles down to Java byte code.

Dart “Hello Word” example:

main() {

print('Hello, World!');


Another approach of the same code:

main() => print('Hello, World!');
Benefits of Flutter
One of the main benefits is the fact that Flutter is a cross-platform development tool which means that you can use the same code base for your iOS and Android Apps.
In Flutter, you can instantly view the changes made in the code in less than a second. The Hot-reload feature helps changes to be reloaded while the app is running with no need for a restart.

Dart compiles into native code and there is no need to access OEM widgets as Flutter has its own. This means less mediated communication between the app and the platform.

As Wm Leler puts it: “Flutter is the only mobile SDK that provides reactive views without requiring a JavaScript bridge.”
All of this contributes to fast app startup times and fewer performance issues.
Excellent User Interfaces: With built-in design-centric widgets, high-end development tools, advanced APIs, scrolling and navigation features, etc., Flutter helps in the creation of stunning and expressive user interfaces.
Flutter has a large set of built-in Material Design and iOS widgets, which include rich motion APIs and smooth natural scrolling.
Earlier this year at Google I/O 2019 Google confirmed that they are working on Fuchsia OS which will use Flutter.
Flutter mobile cross-platform tool
It is too earlier to tell whether Flutter succeeds or not,  but as we can see there are enough reasons to start experience with Flutter.

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