Artificial intelligence (AI)

artificial intelligence visualisation AI

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that deals with our ability to program computers and make them act in a manner that shows the abilities that have so far characterised only human intelligence. A similar definition was given by Marvin Minsky: “to make the machine behave in a way that would be considered intelligent if a person behaved like that”. Those dealing with artificial intelligence sometimes prefer a more narrow definition of this concept, such as artificial intelligence is everything a person knows how to do, but we still do not know how to program it.” According to this definition, the ability to play chess was considered to be the ability of the artificial intelligence framework, to the point where we were able to program the computer so that it began to win.

Artificial intelligence is studied on two levels:
  • Human-like AI, in which the computer thinks and draws conclusions similar to those of the human brain.
  • Non-human AI, where the computer will have independent thinking abilities, regardless of how the human brain does it.
Artificial intelligence is classified by performance:
  • Strong AI: where the software is supposed to mimic the activity of the mind and thinking in general, general troubleshooting, and so forth.
  • A weak AI where the software is designed to perform intelligent activity in a defined application area: chess game, proof of geometry, specific expertise, etc.
  • New developments in the field of software in general and applications in particular, are changing our lives every day with solutions and options that in the past seemed impossible and today are part of the routine. The next step in application development, which will make them even more effective and influential, is the combination of AI.
The impact of artificial intelligence on application development

More effective information analysis.

Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence, application developers can use ‘learning’ algorithms (as opposed to static algorithms) to gather user information more efficiently and improve applications performance.

One of the ways I’d like to share with you is through the following video:

So what did we see ?

It can be concluded that with the sensors in the video, which were connected to the joints, we can learn about the different movements of human beings. This information can be put into a smart algorithm to teach AI about the different movements of human bodies and thus create smart applications that study alone decipher and understand the movement of the body.

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